
Increasingly, scientists who study aging have focused their attention on a group of protective genes called sirtuins, especially SIRT1 (known as “the longevity gene”). SIRT1 “recharges” mitochondria — the “power plants” of the cells — which tend to wind down with age. Therefore, any substance that may support the SIRT1 gene pathway is of great interest to anti-aging researchers.

Resveratrol is well-known for this effect. Now, there’s another natural ingredient that works in the same way, but is five times more potent (See graph below): Sirtmax®. Derived from the rhizome of black turmeric (Kaempferia parviflora) and rich in polymethoxyflavonoids, patented ingredient Sirtmax® could be the anti-aging ingredient you’re looking for.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled human study with 27 subjects found that taking 100 mg of Sirtmax® daily for seven weeks[1]:

  • Caused a reduction in body weight*
  • Optimized support for healthy blood sugar levels*
  • Supported the reduction of advanced glycation end products (AGES), which are linked to oxidative stress and aging
  • Showed a trend toward promoting healthy arterial flexibility*






Healthy Aging

    Origin: Thailand

    Derived from the plant Kaempferia parviflora , native to Thailand


    Animal and in vitro research has shown that black turmeric inhibits pancreatic lipase (a fat-digesting enzyme) and glycation, a reaction that can cause oxidative damage.[2],[3] In addition, it has a favorable impact on adipogenesis (fat cell differentiation) and the secretion of adiponectin, a hormone which regulates glucose levels.[4]


    Black turmeric is related to both turmeric and ginger. One of the most popular herbal medicines in Thailand and Laos, it has been safely consumed as a revitalizing drink for years. A double-blind, placebo-controlled human study on Sirtmax® found no adverse effects.

    [1] Shimada N, et al. The safety and efficacy of Kamepferia parviflora extract (SIRTMAX®) on healthy volunteers. 2012. Unpublished paper.

    [2]Shimada T, et al. Preventive effect of Kaempferia parviflora ethyl acetate extract and its major components polymethoxyflavonoid on metabolic diseases. Fitoterepia. 2011;82:1272-78

    [3] Nakata A, et al. Potent SIRT1 enzyme-stimulating and anti-glycation activities of polymethoxyflavonoids from Kaempferia parviflora. Natural Products Communications. 2014;9(9):1291-4.

    [4] Horikawa T, et al. Polymethoxyflavonoids from Kaempferia parviflora induce adipogenesis on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes by regulating transcription factors at an early stage of differentiation. Biol Pharm Bull. 2012;35(5):686-92.